Realizing the full potential of the Romanian ICT companies to drive a new era of innovation, growth and prosperity.

To build a community open to cooperation it's not an easy task


We believe in "coopetition"!

Our task is to build a community open to cooperation that helps shape the socio-economic future of Romania through innovation, increased competitiveness and dynamicity on both a national and global level.
We believe that in any business there is space for a helping hand and we are committed to helping our members receive the help they require and be successful.

We stimulate cooperative activities, put you in touch with other companies and enable intensive knowledge exchange. Our declared goal is to increase the competitiveness and dynamicity of our partners and to promote exchange, the build-up of know-how and cooperation. We work closely with partners from education, business and politics. We are happy to help!


Our region

We are the oldest cluster of Iași, Romania

Born in 2012, ICONIC sought to always bring value and improve the lives of its members. We believe in the ability of our members and dedicate our time and resources to build a community that is based on communication and passion for ICT and to offer them the opportunities and the tools to innovate and grow.

Iconic Cluster is a regional ecosystem of related industries and competences featuring a broad array of inter-industry interdependencies

Our cluster is formed by a group of companies, related economic actors and institutions that are located near each other and have reached a sufficient scale to develop specialised expertise, services, resources, suppliers and skills.
The founders of the cluster set out to create a network of companies and other support organizations that will contribute to transforming the Northeast region into an important hub of the creative industries and especially the IT&C sector by capitalizing on creativity and new technologies based on intensive use of knowledge, support for entrepreneurial initiatives, encouraging innovation and connecting to the global market.
International Cooperation

We invest in cluster and business network collaboration across borders and sectoral boundaries within and beyond Europe.

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The cluster effect

The market is not simply being the sum of all its participants .

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