DOTISSI – noul membru al ICONIC Cluster
July 30, 2015
ICONIC Cluster are un nou membru: Centiva Solutions
July 31, 2015

ICONIC Cluster, Proud Member of The Innovation Policy Platform

The Innovation Policy Platform is a joint initiative developed by the OECD and the World Bank. The aim of the platform is to provide policy practitioners around the world with a simple and easy-to-use tool, supporting them in the innovation policy-making process. This is done by facilitating collective learning about innovation policy, both conceptual and how-to aspects, tailored to the needs of developing and developed countries.

The IPP is expected to find a variety of users with different functional and informational needs, including:

  • Policy makers who design and implement innovation policy, allocate resources, and set priorities for long-term development and growth agendas.
  • Policy analysts, particularly from government, universities, think tanks and consultancies, who inform policy making through concept development, analysis and advice.
  • International organisations who work with countries to improve the design and implementation of innovation policies.
  • Non-governmental stakeholders such as NGOs, firms, and entrepreneurs who engage in innovation policy processes
  • The IPP has been developed thanks to the support and funding provided by the OECD and the World Bank Group. On behalf of the OECD, efforts have been led by the Directorate for Science, Technology and Industry and the Working Group on Innovation and Technology Policy. World Bank Group contributions have been led by the the Innovation, Technology and Entrepreneurship Unit and the World Bank Institute.

For more more information, visit the official website: